Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Class Evaluaton

  1. The thing I liked about this class is basically everything. I have always liked how Mr. Haymore teaches. I liked coming here and not being stressed out class. I really did not have to stress about this class. He gives us enough time to do our work. I also like how he would show us videos about the student success statements.
  2. The things I didn't like about this class is how if we finish our work early we would have to do typing tutor. Do not get me wrong I like typing tutor but it gets boring when you have to do the same thing over and over. I would like to play other games in the mean time while i am waiting for others to finish. 
  3. A recommendation for this class is to show us more videos about the students success statement or find videos that are longer in length. I like watching the videos that relate to the topic. 
  4. A highlight I had for the class is meeting new people. 
  5. I did truly tried my best in this class. I wanted to pass with an A and I believe I achieved my goal. I wrote what i was thinking. I tried my hardest to explain the statements that we were given.
  6. I am reading/ writing my Life planning journal daily. I will not say that i am doing it 5 minutes everyday. I am doing it probably 2-3 minutes daily. 
  7. I am committed to being a CTR person 24/7. I want to become someone in life. I do not want to depend on no one for anything. I want to have a career in doing what i love. If I am a CTW person than I will not be able to do the things that I truly love so that is why I am committed to doing what is right. 


Name the topic:
Why did you choose this topic?   
Describe the topic in detail (at least 15 sentences):
Add a Picture of your chosen topic:
        Christmas is celebrated on December 25 of every year. I choose this topic because Christmas is just around the corner. Christmas is not just about getting presents it is also about spending time with family. Christmas is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon.Each year, 30-35 million real Christmas trees are sold in the United States alone. There are 21,000 Christmas tree growers in the United States, and trees usually grow for about 15 years before they are sold. Christmas was declared a federal holiday in united states on June 16,1870. The first recorded date of Christmas being celebrated on December 25th was in 336, during the time of the Roman Emperor Constantine. It is the time of the year where you hang out with all your family and celebrate. 

Monday, December 11, 2017


Student Success Statement

"Take responsibilities for YOUR OWN body, mind , and spirit, for your own physical, mental, and spiritual well-being."

Mr. C. Haymore

      I think this quote means that you have to take care your body the best of your capability. If your body isn't in the best conditions than your mind won't be either an if your mind isn't either than your spirit will not be either. So without any of those three than you will be vulnerable. You have to take responsibilities for your actions, thoughts, etc. If you do have your things together than nobody is going to want to be with you of hang around with you. For example if you are smoker and one of your friends that is a car person  do not know you are that you smoke they are not going to want to hang around with you. They are not going to want to hang around with you because you are not only hurting your well being but you are also hurting theirs. When someone is smoking around somebody else who isn't smoking then they are also inhaling the smoke that they are to. So it is not only hurting the smoker it is hurting the innocent bystander. It is not right to smoke in the presence of young children and others that do not smoke at all. 

The Harmful effects of Smoking

  1. How smoking harms you
  2.  Data/ statistics about smoking harming affects
  3. Percentage of teens smoke
  4. How can you promote non-smoking
  5. Picture
  6. Promise to never smoke

One in two smokers will die of a smoking-related disease. People who smoke are more likely to have a stroke than some who does not smoke. Your lungs can be badly affected by smoking. Smoking can can cause your bones to become weak and brittle. Smoking also reduces the amount of oxygen that gets to your skin. 

Smoking increases your risk of having a stroke by at least 50%. Smoking causes 84% of deaths from lung cancer and 83% of of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. More than 93% oropharangeal cancers(cancer in the part of your throat) are caused by smoking. 

Nearly 23 percent of high school students use tobacco products, and more than 90 percent of those teens smoke cigarettes, cigars, hookahs or pipes, according to the report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 
Tobacco Use* Among High School Students in 20165
Tobacco ProductOverallFemalesMales
Any tobacco product20.2%17.0%23.5%
Electronic cigarettes11.3%9.5%13.1%
Smokeless tobacco5.8%3.3%8.3%
Pipe tobacco1.4%0.9%1.8%

Smoking is an unhealthy habit, not only for the person who smokes but also for the people around them. It’s important to keep these messages positive. Remind them of their own loved ones (children, grandchildren, husband/wife, valued friends) and how important they are to the people around them. Make the quitting process as easy as possible for your loved one.

I promise to be a CTR person. I will not smoke ever. I will nourish my body, mind, and spirit. I will never smoke even when I am pressured  to. I will never treat my body so harsh just because I am a smoker. 

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Intelligence plus character

"Intelligence is not enough. Intellegence plus character, that is the goal of true education."

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 
         I believe this quote means that being smart is not going to get you everything you want. If you are smart with a bad attitude nobody is going to want to teach you. Being smart is not enough for you to get into college. College also want to see what you have been doing. For example this girl with a 4.0 applied to college but she didn't do any other activity like soccer or join any school clubs, there is also another girl with a 3.8 that applied to the same college but she was involved in soccer and school clubs, the girl that got accepted to the college was the girl with a 3.8. The reason they chose her was because she was involved with the school, she was making her school look good. We could be intelligent and be involved with the soccer. Colleges look for people that will make the school look good by them being involved with the school.  I was taught that my attitude determines what I am  going to be and do in life. Do not think that just because you are smart is going to get you a free pass to anywhere.  

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Student Success Statement

"We need the courage to START and CONTINUE  what we should do, and the courage to STOP what we shouldn't do."

Richard L. Evans 
        I think this quote means that we need to know what is wrong from right. We need to start doing what is right and how it is going to affect our future in a good way. Than doing what is wrong and the consequences impact you in a negative way towards your future.  For example if you are thinking of doing something that is choosing the wrong then do not do it at all. Your negative actions could potentially send you to jail and give you a record. Your negative actions can hurt you if you are trying to apply anywhere. It could close good opportunities for you. If you were doing the right thing then you would still have those good oppurtunities that you could consider doing/ attending. For example if you want to go to college and they see you have a record then they are not going to want you to attend the school. 

Friday, December 1, 2017

Student Success Statement

"When you tell one lie, it leads to another."

Paul Hatch  
    This quote means that once you say one lie then you will develop the habit to lie more often. You will think that if you lie once  then you can lie again and not get caught. One day you will end up getting caught and will serve a serious consequence that you will not like. It happens everyday you say one lie then you get caught and end up using another lie to cover that lie. Some people also say a white lie. A white lie is when you say half of the truth and then the other half is a lie.  Nobody likes to get in trouble so that's why the majority of teenagers lie. Nobody wants to deal with the consequences that you get from lying. For example these are some consequence you might receive if you lie you can  get grounded, phone taken away, might not be able to go out  with your friends. It is all up to us if we are going to tell the truth or tell a lie. For people it is so easy to lie than to say the truth. 

Military Medical Career

Animal Care Specialist (68T)

Duties and Responsibilities: 
Army soldiers who provide care for government owned animals such as dogs, horses, marine mammals, and a variety of laboratory research animals. They also work to minimize the occurrence of disease in the animal populations which they are responsible for, ensuring that sick animals are quarantined and the healthy animals are properly vaccinated. 


high school diploma

Demand or need:
10 weeks of basic  combat training 
11 weeks of advanced training in animal care 
Completion of MOS 91T course conducted under the auspices of the AHS 
Normal color vision


I would actually consider this career as a choice. This career seems interesting.I would like to work with animals. This is one of the career I would try to pursue. If I do not do this then I will be in the criminal Justice field. I do not know which career yet but I have time to start thinking what I am going to be. 

Class Evaluation

Class Evaluation  1. The things that I liked about this class is that we would learn ctr quotes and explain what they are in our own p...